Zaidi Features: "A Struggle Of The Heart" by Marie Fostino

My Zaidi feature for you today is from an author who is new to me, and that's always exciting! Marie and I met on Facebook, and after chatting a bit about her writing, I immediately invited her to share her new release, "A Struggle Of the Heart." Love this beautiful, unique cover. Hope you enjoy, and remember, your comments encourage :-)

BLURB:  Annette Ferrari lives in Lawton, OK with her family when she decides it is time to leave and make it on her own. She moves to Norman with her girlfriend Lynn when she meets Aaron. It is love at first sight as he captures her heart. As they spend time together their love grows. Aaron joins the army and they continue their love through letters. Annette's life is turned upside down as she experiences the Oklahoma Bombing and her letters from Aaron stop. Broken hearted Annette devotes her mind to her studies. Tim a class mate befriends Annette and lets her know how he feels about her. But it isn’t until a disturbing event happens which changes her course of life and love.

My First Love
“Are you all right?” I asked with some trepidation.
“No,” he said and my heart constricted into a tense ball. Aaron planted his feet firmly on the bench. He leaned forward, placed his elbows on his knees and rested his head on his hands. I sat down next to him and after a few silent moments, slipped my arm tenderly around him. My heart skipped a beat as I wondered what could be so wrong when everything had seemed so right.
“I need to tell you something,” he said finally “and I’m not sure you’re going to like it.”
My heart sank with those words and I managed to mumble, “Okay, go on.”
“Do you know what ran through my mind before I came over to see you today?” Not waiting for an answer, he continued. “I thought about the way we met, our date fishing, and how funny you were trying to impress me with your skills.”
 I gazed up at him and gently squeezed his waist. “I thought about that too,” I replied nervously, wondering where all this was leading.
“I remember everything about those first few days I spent with you,” he said, his voice shaky.  I felt a distinct trembling inside and wondered if Aaron was about to break up with me.
“My point is that I loved each and every moment we shared together, Annette and I did not expect anything like this to happen.” He shoved a hand in his pocket and pulled out a rubber band to tie back his long black hair.
“What’s going on, Aaron?” I asked in frustration.
“I didn’t expect to fall in love,” he said closing his eyes for a moment. I could feel hot tears gathering behind my eyes and blinked to stop them from falling down my cheeks.
“I love you too… so what’s the problem?”
“I have to leave on Thursday for Fort Jackson in South Carolina. I’m going to boot camp, so our time together will soon be over.”
Although I heard the words, I could not rationalize or accept what he said. We’re in love! My mind screamed. How could he do this to me?
“I’m so sorry, Annette but I have to go,” he said almost in a whisper. Aaron turned to me drawing me into his captivating dark eyes. Then he pulled me close and hugged me desperately, as if for the last time. I began to sob uncontrollably and he cradled me in his arms for some time. I had never been in love before and Aaron’s shattering news tore at my heart. Even though we had only known each other for a brief time, I fell hard for him. This just could not be the end.
